We are compiling an ever growing list of US Watercraft Manufacturers & Brands, which might include large corporations, small local companies or individuals.
There is currently 30 Boat Builders in this list, which might include watercraft made from goods & materials 100% produced here in America, but some may also contain a percentage sourced outside the United States.
We've included a few words from the companies about themselves and the products they make, along with direct links to both the businesses & on-line retailers where you can get the latest prices, shipping costs, special deals, ect, if available.
Allison Boats has won more races and set more speed records than all other current manufacturers combined. Hundreds of straightaway and track records and thousands of races won (circle, drag and marathon).
Atlantic Boat Company is a family owned business operating on a 37 acre, 50,000 square foot facility on Flye Point in Brooklin, Maine. In 1995 Duffy and Duffy Custom Yacht and Flye Point Corporation merged to become Atlantic Boat Company. The two companies have built over 1250 hulls since the 1970's. Today, Atlantic Boat Company, the builders of Duffy and BHM commercial boats and yachts, carries on a long-standing tradition of quality Downeast boatbuilding.