There are currently a total of (5) companies in this list.
Bee Wilde
As "REAL" beekeepers, we produce, package and deliver every bit of honey ourselves. This is not the norm for most of the honey that you purchase today. Frequently, the honey that is purchased is mass produced (hopefully in the United States), resold over and over ending up in a warehouse... then, it's heated, highly filtered and mechanically put into containers and finally delivered to a store.
Manufacturers site:
Desert Creek Honey
Desert Creek Honey is unique because we produce and package all our own honey. Typically, most honey today is produced and packaged by different companies but we do everything under one roof! We are proud to raise our own honeybees, harvest the honey, and sell it directly to our customers in its most natural and raw form.
Manufacturers site:
Fain's Natural Raw Honey
Fain's Honey specializes in natural raw honey. Made from the flowers of Central Texas it is said to be the most delicious honey of all.
Manufacturers site:
Goodflow Honey Co.
We offer local, Texas wildflower honey, as well as Orange Blossom, Clover and South Texas wildflower honeys. We also offer two specialty "raw" honeys-which are unfiltered and unheated.
Manufacturers site:
Range Honey
We Offer Texas Range Wildflower Honey. Fresh from the hives to you.
We always try to have new honey verities for our customers. This Light Wildflower Honey is so smooth sweet and delicious. Wonderful honey flavor with a unique fruity finish.
Manufacturers site:
Note: Some of the companies listed in this Texas Honey Directory may also own/manufacture/raise/produce them in other states and countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, practices and designs with little or no notice, so if there are still questions that remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.