There are currently a total of (1) companies in this list.
Doguet's Rice Milling Company
Looking for rice gift boxes? Doguet's Rice Milling Company pairs enriched rice with cajun roux for the perfect Texas gift. The Doguet family has been in the rice business since the 1920's, when our great-grandfather, Arthur Ardoin, worked as a Louisiana rice grower. We were raised in the rice business by our father, Darby Doguet, who worked in a rice warehouse, owned a seed rice business, and eventually managed a rice mill.
Manufacturers site:
Note: Some of the companies listed in this Texas Grains & Flours Directory may also own/manufacture/raise/produce them in other states and countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, practices and designs with little or no notice, so if there are still questions that remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.