Texas Ales & Brewed Items

We are compiling an ever growing list of manufacturers from large corporations down to individuals that owns, produces and/or sells 'Ales & Brewed Items' made here in Texas.

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Ales & Brewed Items

There are currently a total of (1) companies in this list.

Southern Star Brewing Company

Located in Conroe, Texas, Southern Star Brewing Company was founded in July 2007. Southern Star was the first Craft Brewery in the great state of Texas to provide canned craft beers to consumer from our 10,000 square foot warehouse. We currently have 11 employees; 10 from Texas and one we shipped in from San Francisco. Update: We just started (11-5-12) packaging our seasonal beers in 750 ML bottles. The artwork for our seasonal beers was just too awesome to not display them on a label.

Manufacturers site:

Note: Some of the companies listed in this Texas Ales & Brewed Items Directory may also own/manufacture/raise/produce them in other states and countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, practices and designs with little or no notice, so if there are still questions that remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

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