Maryland Organic Farming

We are compiling an ever growing list of manufacturers from large corporations down to individuals that owns, produces and/or sells Organic Farming made here in Maryland.

New York

Organic Farming

There are currently a total of (1) listings in this category.

Wood Prairie Farm

We are a small Certified Organic family farm in the State of Maine that market our products, and those of a number of other Certified Organic farmers that we know and trust, directly to our customers through our print catalog and this webstore.
Manufacturers site:
Note: Some of the companies listed in this Maryland Organic Farming Directory may also own/manufacture/raise/produce them in other states and countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, practices and designs with little or no notice, so if there are still questions that remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.




Do you own or know of a business that you think should be included on this page? Or if you have a question, comment or suggestion, use the form below to let us know about it.

(Note: all submissions subject to manual review and approval)