California Duffy Electric Boat Company

We are compiling an ever growing list of manufacturers from large corporations down to individuals that owns, produces and/or sells 'Duffy Electric Boat Company' made here in California.

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Duffy Electric Boat Company

There are currently a total of (1) companies in this list.

Duffy Electric Boat Company

The Duffy Electric Boat Company is the world-wide leader in electric boat design and manufacturing. With over 10,000 boats produced out of its California factory you can find them in over two dozen countries around the world.

Manufacturers site:

Note: Some of the companies listed in this California Duffy Electric Boat Company Directory may also own/manufacture/raise/produce them in other states and countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, practices and designs with little or no notice, so if there are still questions that remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

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