Utah Furniture

There are currently 2 listing(s), which might include furniture made (grown, harvested, produced, manufactured, ect.) from goods & materials 100% sourced here in Utah, but some may also contain a percentage found outside the state or the USA.

We've included a few details about the companies and their products along with direct links to both the business & possible on-line retailers where you can get the latest prices, shipping costs, special deals, ect.

This list was last reviewed 12/30/2017 by

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Commercial Grade

MityLite, Inc.

MityLite, Inc.
From classic designs to custom product, MityLite has met commercial furniture needs world-wide with well-designed, durable tables and chairs for nearly 30 years. As the industry standard in banquet, meeting, event and dining furniture, they aim to create a legacy of quality and innovation.

Some of the companies listed in this directory that produce items here in Utah, may also have them manufactured in other states & countries as well. Many businesses alter their brand names, manufacturing practices and product designs with little or no notice, so if there are questions that still remain, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

Have a question, comment, or want to leave a review about any of the above Utah companies or their products?, use the form below.


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